April 6th, 2024

Decoding the Core Assumptions of Logistic Regression

By Alex Kuo · 8 min read

Banker using logistic regression to model credit risk for a small enterprise


Logistic regression stands as a powerful tool in the statistical realm, especially when dealing with binary outcomes. Unlike its counterpart, linear regression, logistic regression operates under a different set of assumptions. This article aims to shed light on these assumptions, helping researchers and data analysts ensure the robustness and validity of their logistic regression analyses.

Key Differences from Linear Regression

Before diving into the specific assumptions of logistic regression, it's essential to highlight how it differs from linear regression:

1. Linearity: Unlike linear regression, logistic regression doesn't demand a linear relationship between the dependent and independent variables.

2. Normality of Error Terms: The residuals (or error terms) in logistic regression aren't required to follow a normal distribution.

3. Homoscedasticity: Logistic regression doesn't require constant variance of the errors across levels of independent variables.

4.Measurement Level: The dependent variable in logistic regression isn't on an interval or ratio scale, making it fundamentally different from linear regression.

Core Assumptions of Logistic Regression

1. Nature of the Dependent Variable:

     - Binary Logistic Regression: The dependent variable should be binary.

     - Ordinal Logistic Regression: The dependent variable should be ordinal.

2.Observational Independence: Observations should be independent of each other. This means avoiding repeated measurements or matched data, ensuring each data point stands on its own.

3.Absence of Multicollinearity: The independent variables should not be highly correlated with each other. High multicollinearity can distort the results and reduce the precision of estimated coefficients.

4.Linearity of Independent Variables and Log Odds: While the relationship between dependent and independent variables doesn't need to be linear, the independent variables should exhibit a linear relationship with the log odds.

5. Sample Size: Logistic regression demands a sizable sample. A rule of thumb: for each independent variable, you should have at least 10 cases with the least frequent outcome. For instance, with 5 independent variables and an expected probability of 0.10 for the least frequent outcome, a sample size of 500 would be ideal.


Logistic regression, with its unique set of assumptions, offers a robust method for analyzing binary and ordinal outcomes. By ensuring these assumptions are met, researchers can confidently interpret their results and draw meaningful conclusions. As with any statistical method, understanding the underlying principles is crucial for effective application.

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