June 10th, 2024

McNemar, Marginal Homogeneity, Sign, Wilcoxon Tests

By Josephine Santos · 6 min read

Student using the McNemar test to determine if there are differences on a dichotomous dependent variable between two related groups


In the landscape of statistical analysis, understanding the relationship and differences between two correlated samples is crucial, especially in before-after studies or matched pair designs. Non-parametric significance tests like McNemar's test, the Marginal Homogeneity test, the Sign test, and the Wilcoxon Signed Rank test come into play when dealing with such data. This blog will delve into these tests, their applications, and how tools like Julius can facilitate and enhance the analysis process.

Understanding the Tests

1. McNemar Test: Tailored for dichotomous variables in two dependent sample studies, the McNemar test is pivotal for assessing significant changes in proportions over two time points within the same population. It leverages the chi-square distribution to ascertain if the observed shift is statistically significant.

2. Marginal Homogeneity Test: An extension of the McNemar test, the Marginal Homogeneity test is suitable when the sample categories exceed two. It evaluates the marginal frequencies across different rows and columns to determine if the dependent sample means differ significantly.

3. Sign Test: Ideal for ordered pair dependent samples, the Sign test examines the plus and minus signs (or ties) to conclude if the two dependent sample means are identical or distinct. It's particularly useful when the measurement scale is at least ordinal within each pair.

4. Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test: Applied to continuous variables measured on two occasions, this test assesses if significant differences exist between the scores from two time points. It's a robust method for comparing median ranks of two dependent samples.

Practical Applications

These tests answer critical research questions, such as:

     - Assessing voter behavior changes before and after a significant event.

     - Evaluating consumer preferences between competing products.

     - Tracking academic performance improvements from one grade to another.

Key Concepts and Terms

- Dependent Sample: Two samples are considered dependent if they are correlated, as seen in before-after studies or matched pair designs.

- Type of Significance Estimate: Significance can be estimated through asymptotic, exact, or Monte-Carlo methods, each suitable for different data characteristics and sample sizes.

How Julius Can Assist

Julius, an AI tool for math and data, streamlines the process of conducting these non-parametric tests:

- Automated Test Selection: Julius can automatically select the most appropriate test based on the data's characteristics, ensuring accuracy and efficiency.

- Data Preparation: It aids in organizing and preparing data for analysis, identifying and addressing any potential issues that might affect the tests' outcomes.

- Visualization: Julius provides intuitive visualizations of the test results, making it easier to interpret and communicate the findings.

- Comprehensive Analysis: Beyond performing the tests, Julius offers insights into the significance of the results, helping researchers draw meaningful conclusions from their data.


Non-parametric significance tests for two dependent samples are indispensable tools in statistical analysis, offering insights into changes and associations within correlated samples. Whether assessing the impact of interventions, consumer preferences, or academic progress, these tests provide robust methods for analyzing paired data. With the support of advanced tools like Julius, researchers can navigate the complexities of these analyses with greater precision and insight, leading to more informed decisions and deeper understandings of the phenomena under study.

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